
The software can only run if it is hosted on a web server. It will not run opening the html files on the browser. This is because part files are downloaded asynchronously from the server.

Download Parts

  1. Download the official LDraw library.

    If you don’t already have it, download the official LDraw part library from here.

  2. (Optional) Download the unofficial parts library.

    The unofficial parts library is here.

Prepare Parts

In the instructions below /var/www/html/brigl/ is the folder on the web server where BRIGL will be installed. Adjust as needed.

Simplest Installation

  1. Unzip the official parts library and copy it to a sub-directory called ldraw.

    $ cd ldraw_dir
    $ unzip
    $ cd /var/www/html/brigl/
    $ mkdir ldraw
    $ cp -r /path/to/ldraw_dir/parts ./ldraw/.
    $ cp -r /path/to/ldraw_dir/p ./ldraw/.
  2. Copy the web folder from brigl.

    $ cd /var/www/html/brigl/
    $ cp -r /path/to/brigl/web/* .
  3. Copy a model to the models directory.

    $ cd /var/www/html/brigl/
    $ mkdir models
    $ cp /path/to/brigl/web/parts/m/modelViper.ldr ./models/.
  4. Start your browser and load this url.


The standard BRIGL examples will not work with this installation as they expect a different directory structure, see next section.

Advanced Installation

A simple installation could be less efficient because the client will often have to query the server multiple times in order to determine which folder a part is located in. To improve performance it is recommended that all of the parts are in a single folder. In this installation all of the parts are in a folder called parts.

  1. Unzip the official parts library.

    $ cd ldraw_dir
    $ unzip
  2. Copy the web folder from brigl.

    $ cd /var/www/html/brigl/
    $ cp -r /path/to/brigl/web/* .
  3. Prepare parts using the Python script.

    $ cd /var/www/html/brigl
    $ mkdir parts
    $ python /path/to/brigl/tools/ path/to/ldraw_dir/parts ./parts
    $ python /path/to/brigl/tools/ path/to/ldraw_dir/p ./parts
  4. Start your browser and load this url.

Note will also create sub-directories in parts that use the first letter of the part name as the directory name, for example a.dat -> a/a.dat.

Customizing Colors

BRIGL uses the colors specified in the web/js/brigl_materials.js. This file was generated from a LDConfig.ldr file using tools/ You can use this Python script yourself if you have customized LDConfig.ldr.

$ cd brigl/tools
$ python --ldconfig path/to/LDConfig.ldr
$ cp brigl_materials.js path/to/web-server/brigl/js/.